Oakwise Capital 瑞橡资本


Oakwise Officially Launched RMB Investment Product


        On June 18, Oakwise Capital Holding Ltd. ("Oakwise") held a RMB Investment Product Launch at its Hong Kong office. Guests attending the ceremony included Dr. Lee George Lam, BBS, Chairman of Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited, Mr. Dixon Wong, Head of Financial Services, InvestHK, Ms. Zhang Li, President of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Hong Kong Branch and President of China Financial Association, and Mr. Li Xueqiang, Vice President, Cosco Maritime Finance Holding Ltd..

        Dr. Wang Fengyu, chairman and CEO of Oakwise, mentioned that due to the growing demand of international investors for RMB products, and the scarcity of high-quality RMB investment products in Hong Kong's asset management market, Oakwise finally decided to release RMB product after extensive research and in-depth thinking. The launch of RMB product marks the further improvement of Oakwise's product innovation ability, and company's product line is also further enriched.

        Later, Dr. Lam said that the RMB investment product launched by Oakwise not only conform to the historical trend of RMB internationalization, but also help enrich and drive Hong Kong to launch more RMB denominated financial products, attract more investors to participate in and improve the market activity.

        In the future, Oakwise will continue to lay out more comprehensive products, achieve better performance, and strive to create value for investors; We also hope to make full use of Hong Kong's advantages as an offshore RMB center to make a modest contribution to the process of RMB internationalization.

Source: Guest group photo


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